We are honored to have our new Pastor, Fr. Ray Morales, as our keynote speaker for the October Catholic Men's Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, Oct. 11. Fr. Ray will challenge us with the question, "What Now?" For more than two years, OLR Catholic Men's Fellowship has been providing food, faith, & fellowship for the men of our parish, their families and friends, and the parish at large. These first years have been spiritually informative and inspirational. We have journeyed far together as a community,and yet we know that Christ calls us to continue moving ever closer to Him. Fr. Ray will lead us in considering the next steps our CMF community is being called to take, and to discern where and how Christ's Spirit is leading us to invest the blessings we have gained. What actions can we take, what work can we embrace to move us forward in growing as a family and community of faith and making a real difference in our homes and communities? As always, we will start with 8 am mass and then gather in the hall for breakfast, song, and fellowship. PLEASE RSVP to Rob at rob@jroseassoc.com or Steve at sshanklin@verizon.net .
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