The Church calendar is masterful in knowing when we need help. Our local church community, our Scared Traditions, the Sacraments, and the Holy Scriptures offer much to help us grow closer to Christ. We hope that our group, Catholic Men’s Fellowship, has helped in your personal journey.
We gathered ten times for mass, breakfast and fellowship during 2007. Our attendance at the meetings ranged from the high 30s to the mid 50s. We had approximately 97 men from the parish that attended at least one of our gatherings and 16 men who were visiting from surrounding parishes. Our topics were designed to help us grow closer to Christ, framed within our seven core principals: be a man of Jesus, be a man for others, be a man of integrity, be a man of forgiveness and discipline, be a man of prayer and responsibility, be a man of humility and love, and be a man on a mission.
We have had some wonderful speakers, testimonies, and discussions this past year. It’s time to thank everyone involved, as this is a community effort. Also to everyone who has attended, you have been called to attend for a reason. Let us know your thoughts on where we’ve been together in 2007, and where you think we should head in 2008. Please take a moment and share how CMF has helped your spiritual life as well as ideas on how we can make 2008 even more enriching. You can do this now by clicking on the word “comments” below or you can email your comments to sshanklin@verizon.net.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
CMF planning committee
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