The July OLR Catholic Men's Fellowship Breakfast will be held on Saturday, July 14th. This month our guest speaker will be Cliff Armstrong. A long time OLR parishioner, Cliff will discuss the story of his Father's quest to reunite his family, fighting to reclaim his children who had been made wards of the court. The family's heartwrenching yet triumphant story was dramatized in the 1987 film After the Promise, starring Mark Harmon.
Cliff will relate the events from a child's perspective, using various clips from the film to help illustrate the story. All men are welcome to attend. We will start with 8:00 am Mass, followed at 8:30 by breakfast and fellowship in the parish Cafeteria. Bring a friend. RSVP to Steve Shanklin at sshanklin@verizon.net with expected headcount so that we can be prepared with enough food.
Cliff will relate the events from a child's perspective, using various clips from the film to help illustrate the story. All men are welcome to attend. We will start with 8:00 am Mass, followed at 8:30 by breakfast and fellowship in the parish Cafeteria. Bring a friend. RSVP to Steve Shanklin at sshanklin@verizon.net with expected headcount so that we can be prepared with enough food.
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