June 2007 Breakfast Meeting - Saturday 6/9/07
The June OLR Catholic Men's Fellowship Breakfast will be held on Saturday, June 9th. This month we are celebrating Fatherhood. All attendees are invited to bring their fathers and children along to join us for our monthly breakfast and fellowship. The morning will begin with Mass at 8 PM in the Church, followed by breakfast at 8:30 in the Cafeteria. After breakfast there will be an Open Forum on fatherhood, with all present invited to take part in small and large group discussions. During the Open Forum, alternate activities will be offered for the younger children, including music and crafts. So - bring your father (grandfather, godfather), your kids, and some friends (and their fathers . . .) and everyone's appetites. RSVP to Steve Shanklin at sshanklin@verizon.net with expected headcount so that we can be prepared with enough food. ALSO - visit AmericanCatholic.org for some Father's Day articles.
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