Friday, April 22, 2011

Feast of Priests - Archbishop Jose Gomez, Chrism Mass, Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.

Archbishop Jose Gomez
photo source whsipersintheloggia

The following is a excerpt given by Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles during the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Full text can be read HERE
Cardinal Mahony, my brother bishops, my dear brother priests and deacons; religious and consecrated men and women, seminarians; all of you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
This is a special moment of grace for me. This is my first chrism Mass with my brother bishops and priests, my first co-workers in the apostolic work of building the Kingdom of God here in the great Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
I love this ceremony in which we bless the holy oils — the signs and instruments through which our priests carry out their ministry of salvation.
It is so fitting that we do this during Holy Week. For these signs of divine grace draw the supernatural power they communicate from the paschal mystery of Our Lord’s death and resurrection that we commemorate this week.
Pope John Paul II used to call this yearly celebration of the chrism Mass, “the feast of priests.” That is a beautiful way to think about this celebration. (Read full text HERE.)

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