Bishop Alex Salazar, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles San Pedro Region will be the keynote speaker at the Catholic Men's Fellowship of California's Leadership Day "Walking the Walk as a Catholic Man: Taking the Next Step". The 1 day retreat will be held on Saturday November 3, 2007 at Our Lady of Refuge in Long Beach. The day will be divided into two sections: the General Session will begin with 8:00 am Mass and end at 11:20 am; the Leadership Session will start at 11:30 am and conclude at 2:00 pm. Great speakers, including Bishop Alex Salazar and Deacon Roger Faubert, live music by Pillar, small and large group discussions, and fellowship are some of the items on the agenda. Breakfast & lunch will be provided. All men are welcome. To register for the event online, CLICK HERE. For more information email OLR Catholic Men's Fellowship at olrcmenf@ourladyofrefuge.org .